Friday, November 18, 2011

So much for a posting schedule.

Well, I'm off to great start. I barely get a chance to post as it is and I miss my first chance to do this right. DERRR! As promised though, I'm going to feature some fun things and fun people I find inspiring. Today's feature is Crash Bang Laboratory. You can find the blog here:

While there are two people who are part of Crash Band Labs, the blog and their new and thus empty website is run by Kristie Good, aka Karmada. The blog mostly focuses on her adventures at Anime Conventions, including but not limited to her lovely cosplay costumes, selling her artwork and the many trials and tribulations of doing both. Further more, she is hilarious. I have seen her in person, first at JAFAX 2010 as emcee/judge of one of the cosplay contests, and at Shutocon where she and her partner in crime led panels on how to do cosplay the right way. They said they were there to make the mistakes so you don't have to. That is such a comfort!!!!

She also has a deviantArt account, found here:  I hope she doesn't mind that I'm totally stalking her gallery as we speak. She has such a cute style and cooky perspective, I can't help myself.

Seriously. SO ADORABLE! Ahem...pardon my in-blog yelling. But seriously, look at the eyes on the lower panel. Thank you Karmada for being one of the greatest highlight of my Friday Interwebscapades!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Welcome to My Head

That's probably the most ominous beginning I've ever done for a blog. Of course, once you get to know me, it will seem pretty normal.
Anyway, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rachel, though I'm also known as LunaMusings, Ookaminokage and She Who Must Be Obeyed. Okay, not really on that last one but a girl can dream. I'm married to a fantastic and insanely hilarious man named James. We do not have children yet. Emphasis on yet.
I am a comic artist, writer, cook, knitter, sewer and just about anything else I want to be. I simply love making things, tangible, edible and intangible. I suffer from no lack of inspiration. In fact, I have too many ideas. And that's why I'm here. I want to reach out to others like myself who have that same problem, the opposite problem, or someone who just needs a nudge in the right creative direction. I hope to share ideas that will inspire new projects for all who read my posts.

I hope that my brainstorms, sudden inspirations and even my "cranial drizzle" can be of use to you all out there in the great unknown of the internet. I hope to be posting every Friday or Saturday until January, when I'll finally have constant internet access. My posts will be varied, from recipes I've tried or made up, to sketches of characters, to the Christmas present marathon I will be embarking on called "Project Sock Critters". There will be much more and I hope to also include spotlights on other peoples' work in the posts to come as well.

I hope you'll take this journey with me. Thanks!