Anyone who has read any of my post may have notice I'm not a patient woman. I've even blogged about it before. I'm realizing it may be worse than I previously thought.
You see, there are two things that stand in the way of my husband and I having children, not counting the biggest one which is God's timing. Obviously, if He doesn't make it happen, it won't. But there are two things fully withing my power to change. Namely, my desire and ability to keep a home and the thorn in my pudgy side, my weight.
So why is this bothering my impatience? I have been far more diligent working on both of those aspects of my life. I'm doing really well. So of course, I stupidly think that means we should be having kids right now because I've managed to keep the house in order for two weeks. Yep that's right, I think that I have made LIFE ALTERING PROGRESS from two weeks of success.
Two weeks of success is definitely an improvement for me though. Usually when I try to make something a good habit, I manage it for about three days and fizzle out, only to find myself doing nothing but scouring Pinterest and wondering why I can't accomplish anything.
I need to keep waiting, even if I was raised to think wait is the same as profanity. Rather than sit there and wonder when my husband is going to say I've done enough ( goodness I love him for being the sensible half of us!) I'll keep moving forward, establishing laundry as a habit rather than a chore along with many other things I "forget" to do.
God's really working on me with this one. He keep putting awesome Christian moms' blogs in my inbox that are amazing and convicting. These are ladies that share many of my view on raising children, like homeschooling in a way that doesn't create socially awkward weirdos, but confident people with a love of learning, serving truly nourishing food so that my whole family is healthy (saves on doctor bills!), and creating the kind of home life God wants me to create for the family. Wow...that was quite the sentence. Don't throw things at me!
Going back to the point, it's been great to have daily reminders of what I desire to see in the future of this crazy little family of two. Please pray/ send good vibes my way that I continue exercising patience while we wait for the right time to have little ones and that I continue to make homemaking a habit.
I shall leave you with this:
I came up with some strange things back in the day. |